united gamer

The Wheel Decides Our Type, BUT Shiny Pokemon are BUFFED!

I Created The Most Powerful Pokemon from Unova

Choose Your Legendary Pokemon, BUT With Random Moves!

Choose Your Starter Pokemon, BUT There's Only 2?

50 Pokemon Cards To Build a Team, Then We Battle!

I Randomized EVERY Pokemon's Type, Then We Battle

The Wheel Decides Our Pokemon's NEW TYPE, Then We Battle!

Choose Your Starter Pokemon, Then RANDOMLY Evolve Them!


Choose Your Pokemon Starter, But This Time There's Four!

Chat GPT Chooses My Pokemon, Then We Battle!

Choose Everyone's LEAST Favorite Pokemon, Then We Battle!

We Blindly Pick Legendary Pokemon For a Battle

Blindly Choose Your Pokémon, BUT Shinies Get a BUFF!

We Combined Our Starter Pokemon, Then We Battle!

Choose Your Pokemon By Their Type, BUT 1 is a LIE!

Choose Your Pokemon by ONLY Seeing Where You Catch Them!

Choose Your Mega Pokemon By Emojis, But 1 is a LIE!

Viewers Sent Us 5,000 Pokemon Eggs, Then We Battle!

Choose The WEAKEST Pokemon, Then Give Them ANY Ability!

We Gave Starter Pokemon LEGENDARY Stats To Make Them BROKEN!

We Randomized Our PC Box, Then We Battle!

We Randomize Our Starters in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, Then We Battle!

Choose Your Starter Pokemon By AWFUL Descriptions!